
Friday, June 23, 2006


Damn, only 3 days left to exams. I'm still playing DOTA! Crap, this is so bad.

Start mugging now. Or never.

Still, I'm quite disappointed with some of my Secondary Threes. Thanks to them, now I have to get myself involved next week. Mobilisation time.

I'm so gonna be fat soon, eating and eating over the holidays, not much exercising.

Poof... mug.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Summing them up

Best holiday ever. Totally had my own freedom of time to enjoy life since the start of school term nearly 6 months ago. Been so slack. Despite having to go back frequently for Piano rehearsals, which eventually led to the many KFC visits with fellow ensembians, I took the chance to go back to VS so frequently, I kind of felt as though I was a VSrian once again.

All the times I tried to study with the Sec 4s but failed, the times where everyone got distracted and ended up playing soccer. The guitar, preparation for the camp, the carrom games, the BBQ or rather specifically the IMPAP (something to do with Monitors, Prefects and Peer Leaders), the times where the Sec 4s composed their parting song in the MC room. Could see that it would really be very hard for them all to part with VS during graduation.

Further back, I was still enjoying myself, watching the world cup, meeting up with friends to watch the soccer match between Singapore and Malaysia. Was suppossed to try to get the whole class down, but instead only 3 people turned up. Haha.

Also the wonderful times which Secondary 4D 2005 peeps met up again for class party and a game of soccer and cards. Those were the days...

And way back would be the soccer finals, which got us rather emotional. It did, however, earned us all a fullday.

It's time to wake up from dreamland to reality. Mid Years. Council Work. Senior Dinner and Dance. Project Work. Piano Concert.

More and more Camps

Just been back from 5 days camp.

30 hr Famine camp was a camp in which campers go through 30 hours without food, and experience to be part of the poor children in developing countries. Even CNA was around to video.

As such, campers are put into a situation where they form tribes or families, and have to try to do jobs, earn money, buy things such as tables, chairs, cardboard, paper bags to build their 'house' in which they will spend the night.

Hence the black market, government stalls, job stations (bean picking, bean sorting, scavanging, crane folding, and apparantly the most easy earning job; prostitution).

I acted as one of the station masters, acting as a police (or rather, a corrupted police), whose role is to catch people who break the law. We police have had much fun going on the rounds to fine money for whatever stupid reasons we could think of, such as losing your children, crossing over the barriers, prostituting your child, and the most memorable ones would be raiding the prostitution center as well as the black market. But still, extorting money from people (even your seniors) is not an easy task.

Following which, I immediately headed over to Hozefa's place to finalise the IT Club Camp @ VS. Day 1 was especially great! It was the Board of Advisors' Leadership Training Day, in which we planned special activities to train our Sec 1-3s. As the advisor in charge, I was given the autonomy of running the schedule, which brought back many wonderful memories of running camps.

In the afternoon, we headed over to Ubin for a leadership training seminar, and campers went through a series of activities such as field cooking by the sea. Luckily I already had my lunch at Ubin Jetty; as they had to eat without utensils, and noodles cooked with bloody-looking sardine, dead leaves. From the many different activities, the most memorable one would be climbing up the knoll. Besides the exhilarating view of the whole of ubin / Singapore 7pm in the evening, the interesting part would be decending that hill in the dark. It was indeed an experience worth a lifetime.

On a sidenote, Day 2 was gay. Had to go back to school twice for lessons. But the crash course for physics was great. Chem wasn't a great help, as I haven't prepared my work. Day 3 was Econs, which was also a great help for revision. But still, I'm still far off ready for the exams. After which, rushed off to Esplanade with the other advisors to meet up with the teams, who were halfway through their amazing race.

This camp was also special in which the camp was held concurrently with the handover. It was a rather emotional night for the Sec 4s who are stepping down. Following which the talent night, the juniors proved themselves to be creative and enthusiatic. Well done guys!

Nightwalk was especially frightening compared to other camps at this campus, as we got to use really dark places such as the DNT workshop, and the DNT office, the toilets beside the canteen which was usually locked up, as well as the school field. And juniors were told that they were alone. As the one sharing scary stories, I was really proud of my juniors for not whining despite being really scared during the wait.

Crazy people brings about crazy camps. After the night walk (which lasted from 1am to 5am), we all then played soccer in the dark. Imagine the ball going past you without your knowledge. That was one hell of a game, drawing 3-3, and penalty shootouts, my team lost 2-0.

Camp was great, especially so as it brought back wonderful memories, and most importantly, seeing how your juniors grow and learn. Having gone through 5 days of camp without sleep; tiring but fun!

life in VS's really fun. really miss it. i'll look forward to camps next year. now i'll better start to whack the next 4 days for mid yrs...

Monday, June 12, 2006

If only...


If only...

If only...

If only...

If only...

If only...

If only...

If only...

If only...

If only...

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Windows Vista Beta

Woah, downloading 7gb of data off the internet is no joke ok.

After the release of Windows Vista BETA version, I was fighting for bandwidth with the Americans to downloaded both the 3gb (32bit) and 4gb (64bit) version. Woah, you can imagine how long it took!

Worse, after downloading, I had to burn the .iso files onto a DVD in order to work. And more time was needed to install. Spent one hell of a day to get it finally set up and running.

But nonetheless, all the waiting was worthwhile to be the first few to experience Windows Vista. Quite cool graphics and colours, as well as many new features. But nonetheless, as a BETA, it still has got to have more improvements, especially the speed. It's so lag that opening Photoshop CS takes 2 mins!

Here is a screenshot of Microsoft Word 2007 on Windows Vista.

So those IT savvy, go get yourself a copy.

Click on images in this post to enlarge.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Monitor's Council Camp 2006

060606 , six june 2006.

nice date =)

Just got back from MC Camp 2006... rox

Another Two years have just gone past in the twinkle of an eye; Secondary Ones then are now Secondary Threes, taking up the position of running the camp already.

Through this camp, it's really the first time for me to have a chance to see the Secondary Threes in action. It was a privilege to be given this chance to mingle and work with this new batch of upcoming EXCO, and indeed, they have proven to be very plesent people to work with. For the night we stood; cards, tidbits, and basketball/soccer before dawn, all these have proven to be the start of a strong sense of camaraderie which you all will build up during your new term in office.
With people of different personalities to complement one another, it's gonna be amazing to see you all officially put into office soon to bring council to greater heights. And very soon the stepping down of your seniors, my predecessors, the current Secondary Four batch.

This camp has brought back many wonderful memories as a student in VS. Such as joining in their activities, getting to know and mingle with the freshbloods, planning the night walks etc.
Most importantly, being able to relate to the lower secondary monitors about the tough times being a monitor.
Just before nightwalk, I had the chance of hearing out their problems faced, which reminds me of the similar old tough times while in office, and it gives me this sense of achievement of surviving through the four years. It was indeed heartwarming to share experiences and lessons learnt with these freshcomers, who are more than willing to learn.

It also proved successful at the end of the camp to see that most of the monitors have truely enjoyed the camp and have learnt valuable lessons. Especially the night walk which boosted much of their confidence (hope you guys are not afraid of walking around alone at night!) And best of all, everyone (except two) plans to run for EXCO. Really hope to see some of these lower secondary potentials into office in the next couple of years.

Ultimately, three cheers for my Secondary Threes juniors for putting this camp up. A job well done for protraying yourselves all worthy to be stepping up as EXCO. And to my Sec Fours, though I couldn't really feel your presence during camp at all (Despite the fact that you guys should be been around to observe), all the best to your forthcoming examinations.

Oh ya btw, MC Camp 2006 photos can be viewed here!

Sometimes, I wonder why time is just so cruel. It only allows a one way direction, and even worse, it is not within much control of man, and it does not give you a choice. If only someone could invent a time machine, i'll gladly shift back and stay on forever as a 15-year-old teenager. I'll gladly stay on in VS, go through such camps forever. Perhaps, Mr. Oh has gotton himself one, to be able to stay 15 years old till date.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

An inconvenient truth

Eloquently weaves the science of global warming with Al Gore’s
personal history and lifelong commitment to reversing the effects of global
climate change. A longtime advocate for the environment, Gore presents a wide
array of facts and information in a thoughtful and compelling way. The film is
not a story of despair but rather a rallying cry.

Woah, this is a much watch! Especially the science and environmental enthusiasts. Even the trailer is so captivating!

Watch the trailer

Thursday, June 01, 2006

NS Registration

Everyone, or rather, every male, should receive their letter for registration for NS once they reach 17 and a half years old. Time to login and apply for deferment.

It's so fast man, you never realise how grown up you already are until you see the dark orange letter from MINDEF beaming in your face, with the letter addressing to you as "Mr SURNAME".

I'm not afraid of going through NS. I've always loved camps.

But I'm terrified of the processes into entering NS. The hefty load of stories I've heard about the Medical Questionaire, Medical Checkup, the 3 months of BMTs and the people you meet. Who knows... I'm so not looking forward to these.

If only time would just stop; to take a breather, where nothing deteriorates.

And back to VS.