
Thursday, June 22, 2006

More and more Camps

Just been back from 5 days camp.

30 hr Famine camp was a camp in which campers go through 30 hours without food, and experience to be part of the poor children in developing countries. Even CNA was around to video.

As such, campers are put into a situation where they form tribes or families, and have to try to do jobs, earn money, buy things such as tables, chairs, cardboard, paper bags to build their 'house' in which they will spend the night.

Hence the black market, government stalls, job stations (bean picking, bean sorting, scavanging, crane folding, and apparantly the most easy earning job; prostitution).

I acted as one of the station masters, acting as a police (or rather, a corrupted police), whose role is to catch people who break the law. We police have had much fun going on the rounds to fine money for whatever stupid reasons we could think of, such as losing your children, crossing over the barriers, prostituting your child, and the most memorable ones would be raiding the prostitution center as well as the black market. But still, extorting money from people (even your seniors) is not an easy task.

Following which, I immediately headed over to Hozefa's place to finalise the IT Club Camp @ VS. Day 1 was especially great! It was the Board of Advisors' Leadership Training Day, in which we planned special activities to train our Sec 1-3s. As the advisor in charge, I was given the autonomy of running the schedule, which brought back many wonderful memories of running camps.

In the afternoon, we headed over to Ubin for a leadership training seminar, and campers went through a series of activities such as field cooking by the sea. Luckily I already had my lunch at Ubin Jetty; as they had to eat without utensils, and noodles cooked with bloody-looking sardine, dead leaves. From the many different activities, the most memorable one would be climbing up the knoll. Besides the exhilarating view of the whole of ubin / Singapore 7pm in the evening, the interesting part would be decending that hill in the dark. It was indeed an experience worth a lifetime.

On a sidenote, Day 2 was gay. Had to go back to school twice for lessons. But the crash course for physics was great. Chem wasn't a great help, as I haven't prepared my work. Day 3 was Econs, which was also a great help for revision. But still, I'm still far off ready for the exams. After which, rushed off to Esplanade with the other advisors to meet up with the teams, who were halfway through their amazing race.

This camp was also special in which the camp was held concurrently with the handover. It was a rather emotional night for the Sec 4s who are stepping down. Following which the talent night, the juniors proved themselves to be creative and enthusiatic. Well done guys!

Nightwalk was especially frightening compared to other camps at this campus, as we got to use really dark places such as the DNT workshop, and the DNT office, the toilets beside the canteen which was usually locked up, as well as the school field. And juniors were told that they were alone. As the one sharing scary stories, I was really proud of my juniors for not whining despite being really scared during the wait.

Crazy people brings about crazy camps. After the night walk (which lasted from 1am to 5am), we all then played soccer in the dark. Imagine the ball going past you without your knowledge. That was one hell of a game, drawing 3-3, and penalty shootouts, my team lost 2-0.

Camp was great, especially so as it brought back wonderful memories, and most importantly, seeing how your juniors grow and learn. Having gone through 5 days of camp without sleep; tiring but fun!

life in VS's really fun. really miss it. i'll look forward to camps next year. now i'll better start to whack the next 4 days for mid yrs...


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