
Saturday, May 28, 2005

Swine Sty Slumberparty Week

Its been realli crazy...

My daily routine for this week was like going to school, sit in for intesive Chinese lessons, then go home. Its kinda weak structure, kills everyone's brain cells. People like Kian Sin, Monk and Zhenyi were all doing Maths during his lessons. This is kinda waste of time, but... wat can be done?

I shall begin with what happened yesterday(Friday). Its was like finally the last day of the Intesive MT programme and I know this torment would soon end. Unexpectedly, the impact was much diminished, as Mr Chew dragged me out the whole morning to do some IT stuff for him. So my class escaped HMT lessons for more than 3 hrs. As usual they were playing cards, enjoying themselves; While the other MT classes were indulged in chinese fads, feeling immensed pressure for their forthcoming MT O Levels on 30th May.

Enough of these boredom materials lest you fall asleep. Let's start off with something interesting yesterday. After school I was practically relaxing in the Monitors' Council room. I then realised the best part about schoolling is actually spending time with my Juniors and peers in the MC room. I wonder how long this could last.

Jarren had a piece of Mr Ang today. George, Jarren, Chengwei and I were in the IT Lab doing some MC work, until we left the lab realising we did practically nothing much. I started giving them Full Admin powers for the MC Web, as they were probably gonna take over nxt yr. As we were walking along the corridor, Jarren had a dramatic fall. He was dancing like some swine, until he fall without warning, due to sudden cramps in his thighs. Of course everyone started laughing, as Jarren was still groaning in pain. Just then, Mr Ang walked past...

All: Good Evening Sir !
Mr Ang: Ei boy, don't lie of the floor.

Terence: Oh sir, he is having a cramp !
Mr Ang (to Jarren): Do you know why you have cramp?
Jarren (still lying on the floor): No sir!
Terence (adding on): He just did too much exercise during training just now sir !
Mr Ang: No, you have cramps because you are too heavy !

Poor Jarren, I bet half the school will know soon ! lolx !

The Mystery of Mdm Nabilah...

On Thursday, Mdm Nabilah had just hurt me... for the first time. A confrontation...

Mdm Nabilah: I'm so disappointed in you!
Mdm Nabilah: MC Chairman some more...

Apparently, she found out...

For those who are interested (George, I know you are), this was what happened... There was this Biology Mock Test for all Sec 4s (held on different days of the week; some taken 2 weeks before). Apparantly, my class was one of the last few to take. I was in the MC room the day before the test when someone had a copy of the MCQ question paper. Having too much to study within a day, I decided to stratagise and study only the chapters that are tested. I have been busy with many committements you see. In the end, the Paper 1 question paper was borrowed back...

I know this Mock test was supposed to be a driving force for us to study. Just think, I know the rational behind it, why should I create harm for myself? I hate being accussed of memorising the MCQ answers, why would I want to do that?

Mdm Nabilah: Should I still mark the paper?

I admit the MCQ turned out to be a breeze, and its true as no doubt I have seen the questions before. But still there are still things i do not know, and i want to learn from the test.

In fact, there are hell lot of others who went to ask for the questions/answers (I shall not pinpoint them). I'm not making excuses. I know I am in the wrong. As a student leader, I shouldn't have stooped as low as them and should not have touched other's Bio paper at all.

But I couldn't resist the tempation. I didn't have time to study the whole book... There is no point going into the test and coming out with a '0', like what Mr Wong said to Chris the other time (regarding the Chemistry test)...

...I also shouldn't even have lent out the questions to my classmates. I'm very sorry Mdm Nabilah, now I feel really remorseful after what you have said to me.

But I DID study (selective chapters though) for the test. Like others, I also want to know how well I would fair. I apologise to you once again, although I know my impression in you could have been tarnished... nevertheless, I shall make it up to you in the O Levels.

Swine Sty Slumberparty Week...

I am worried, anxious, apprehended, disturbed, perplexed, writhed. Concerned about this and that. I am troubed about my juniors, the council, the it club, and even my o levels. starting off with the council, there are many problems going on.

My two closest junior George and Jarren from Monitors' Council seem to be having a huge problem. So do Ramanan and Tadjuddin.

There seem to be so much uncertainty in everything i do. For Monitors' Council, we are about to handover soon, as most of my Sec 4 EXCO is like lost in their eluded world of acadamics. Things left to do:

- MC Shirt
- Attitude of Monitors
- MC Sec 3 EXCO
- Filing System
- Class Passes SOP
- MC Website
and most imporantly - CAMP

im sure there are more to add, juz that i can't think of any more now.

In fact, I think that Holiday really issn't gonna be a holiday for me at all (I believe this is rather similar thinking for most Sec 3/4s)

First week, I am dumped with Chemistry and Biology Make up which take up 3 days. Following which is the Chemistry Practical Mid Years Exam. There is also the 2-day Monitors' Council Camp which clashes with my Biology class. Not forgetting MC EXCO Interview.

Second week, I will be attending a teacher's wedding ceremony.

Third week, i will have to attend IT Club's 3-day Camp, concurrent with Physics and Bio Practical Mid Years Exam.

And not to mention only having a week to study for my Mid year exams.


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