
Sunday, February 26, 2006

IT Youth Leader Finalist ! but... Busy... Madness... ahhh!

been so busy... dun even have time to blog. no time for hw. today went sch for Orientation 2 meeting. Then since I was in school, so went to join in Yvonne for filming... lolx.

It's been a crazy week ever since gotton in the elections for Student's Council. Now it's the start of planning for Orientation 2. Came up with the Orientation Ad-hoc website within like 1 night! Woohoo!

Guess what, I've like 4 CCAs now. SC, iComp, Piano Emsemble, Softball.

So what's supposed to happen tmr for me is this:

1st Softball training at 5pm, SC Meeting for O2 at 5.30, Support my classmate Yvonne for Campus superstar, and...

tmr's SLV too. sigh. Have not memorised my script for the skit yet. Btw, im acting as fireman =).

See everything clashes. Sigh. I'm seriously forced to drop ccas if this goes on. I dun even have time to touch my hw this wkend.

Last evening after the Orientation 2 meeting, I was invited back for the Annual Gala Dinner at Raffles City Convention Centre Ballroom - Swissotel, The Stamford, as part of the closing ceremony for the competition. This is an annual event whereby a total of 900 + representatives from IT related firms all over Singapore (including Microsoft, IBM, Singtel etc.) were invited.

In this IT Youth Leader competition, I managed to emerge as one of the 6 finalist, and was presented a plaque/certificate during last night's dinner. Other finalists include a teacher, while few others were mainly SMU and Poly students/graduates.

Indeed, it has been an eye opener for me throughout this whole competition, which includes going through an interview, in which I had to make a presentation in front of a panel of 20+ judges (which i remembered was on the same day as my O Level Biology written paper). It has challenged me psychologically to be able to carry out my best in front of so many high profile/experienced personnal. Also, I had to focus on both my exams and the interview at the same time.

Also, it's especially so as I was the youngest in age in the dinner/competition. (It was also the first time I wore a formal lounge suit/legally served red wine haha). From this, I have gained expereince in working and interacting with adults.

In fact, I'm more than honoured to be able to represent Victoria School, as well as VS IT Club/VS Monitors' Council to achieve/receive such a prestigious award, one which is recognised at national level.

Once again, a very big thank you to Mr. Ang for having made the recommendation possible, and Mr. Alvin You and Ms. Tang for your recommendation and the testimonials.

Also, thank you principals and teachers; Mr. Low Eng Teong, Mr. Adrian Lim, Ms. Ann Teo, Mr. Ikhwan, Ms. Wendy Yap, Mrs. Foo, Mr. Gabriel, and Mr. Edmund Goh for your support and guidance throughout my 4 years in CCA, for this, has helped me to learn and develop in terms of character as well as in my passion for IT.

Nil Sine Labore. =)

kk. gtg start memorising my script now. 12.13 am liao!!!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Student's Leaders' Investiture

Well done, you guys have done it! Congrats!

You swine, you take some and you lose more.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Council speech!

Woah, today was council speech! It was super scary man! Despite having only to speak in front of 1/6 of the school.

I didn't manage to follow the speech as planned as I was shaking uncontrollably. I dunno why it happened, I wasn't scared; perhaps just nervous. I couldn't bear to look at the script. Worse, that happened less than 10 seconds after I started. I had to keep my hands/script low to avoid being noticed to be shaking.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Made up my mind...

I had a hard time at the submit button... nonetheless...

Joint Admission Exercise 2006 _2

(Click to enlarge)

Woah, this is what I got at 6.20am. So frustrating. Looks like I won't be able to submit my Verification slip today.

Joint Admission Exercise 2006

(Click to enlarge)

Woah, so much for waking up at 5.30 am to do the JAE!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Busy... Hectic

Woah, it's just getting so crazy after the release of results.

Student's Council
  • Campaigning starts
  • Council meeting voting opens
  • House speeches; morning meeting
  • CT walkabout
  • Voting closes/Council Night
  • Internal election results/Choosing Orientation 2 Ac-hoc
  • Election results revealed to college

Wow. All these happening in the month of February! And I'm not where near even getting started... esp. for campaigns and speech!

And not forgetting Piano Ensemble, the making of the gifts to be sold on Valentine's day by Tues.

Valentine's day gifts for classmates.

Hectic Acadamic work.

And I'm in a dilemma between VJ, RJ and HCJ. Teachers recommanding me for R. Aunties recommanding me for HC. I'm getting too hectic in VJ. But I love VJ. I love the anthem. I love the cheers. I like my friends. I love my CCA. I like my teachers. I don't think I want to leave.

I'm just a little lost.

Official Release of O Level Results

...i think you all are a unique batch in many ways. Unique in a sense that I think your batch, i would consider you all a very well all-rounded batch, because you all both have acheived a lot in terms of not only in your acadamics, but also in your CCAs. Well done...

- Mr. Low Eng Teong, Principal of Victoria School

It was early in the morning at 9am when I was at Mac. @ parkway parade, about to meet up with my 4d-classmates for a gathering before our verdict.

Conversation via Sms @ 9am:
my.junior: You Got six points! Congrats.
Terence: *stunned* I'm not so sure if I'm gonna believe that. It's too early. And if I find out that you are playing a trick on me, I'm so gonna strangle you.
my.junior: It came from (a teacher). Im sure. Congrets man.

Hmmx... that was how the day started... Stunned. Still a little apprehensive, I carried on my day. Back to VJC at 10am for a workshop for the student's council.

Back in VS later around 1, there has already been rumours going round that I got 6 points. People were like coming over and asking me whether it's true, while some juniors were assuring me that it was for real. How was I supposed to answer them? I could only tell them that I'm wasn't sure, as there was no official documents to prove so. I was also afraid that later it might end up 'yi chang huan xi yi chang kong' .

Anyway, besides that, it was comforting seeing my friends from VS again; some of whom I might not even have a chance to meet again. It just felt so different compared to VJ, where you see people whom you don't know their names. In VS, it's the opposite, you see people you know so well, and people who clique so easily with you. ... ok, i know it's just the beginning.

Then, hearing Mr. Maran's voice again refreshed many wonderful memories that I have had... I just had to miss VS so much...

... So at 2.30pm came the final verdict.

English - A1
Combined Humanities - A1
Mathematics - A1
Additional Mathematics - A1
Physics - A1
Chemistry - A2
Biology - A1
Higher Chinese -B3
Chinese - A2
CCA - A1

Man, I screw up chemistry? That was the only science paper which I was most confident.

I shall continue later, cutting hair now...

Erm yeah, without a doubt, I'm really very contented with my L1R5. Besides Chem.
In fact, I haven't expected to get A1 for both English and Humanities, for I've never gotton A1 for english before. And also I even read one question wrongly for Elective Geography. I think I'm really lucky to have scraped 6 points for the crucial 6 subjects.

Without a doubt, I owe these results to my principal, all my teachers, peers, seniors and juniors.

Ms. Lorraine Tham (English)
Mrs. Koh (English tutor)
Ms. Kong (Humanities)
Mrs Wong (E/A Mathematics)
Mrs Foo (Physics)
Mr. Wong (Chemistry)
Mdm Nabilah (Biology)
Mr. Chew/Mr. Wee (Higher Chinese/Chinese)
Mr. Alvin You/Mrs Foo/Ms. Wendy Yap (IT Club Teachers IC)
Ms. Tang/Mr. Gabriel (Monitors' Council Teachers)
Mr. Jonathan Oh (PSL/LTC teacher IC)

And any other teachers who has helped me in one way or another.

Without any of you, your constant support and guidance, I wouldn't have made it through my 4 years. Though it wasn't a smooth journey, it allowed me to grow, learn and mature. Thank you you all once again. This indeed, signifies the closure of my 4 years in VS.

In the hall; it was a multi-emotional. People screaming at their results, agitated. Others were emotionless. Many were exchanging blows of hugs and handshakes. Many were talking to teachers for advice...

Apart from my indivudual performance, VS overall did (in my opinion), very well this year, despite my batch was not very looked up upon by most at the beginning of the year, I do still remember.

Compared to last year's batch (Which did VS proud by bringing us to Band 1, and was one of the batches with the best acadamic results since many years ago):

We achieved 96% (approximate) people eligible for JC, with 140++ students who scored single digit L1R5 (only about 20 less than last year's), a 60% Distinction in English, and average L1R5 score of 11.3 (lost to last year's by 0.1). We have come close, thus far. Apart from so, "we are a unique batch", who has also done well in our CCAs. Rock on Victorians, after all the hard work, we've done the impossible and have done VS proud.

Victoria, thy sons are we...

To my juniors:

Well, one thing all Victorians must realise is, it's really about Nil Sine Labore. Consistent effort in managing your studies, that is. Haiz. I wonder when my Sec3 and Sec2 guys will realise this. Every year teachers tell the same things to their students. And every year history repeats. If everyone realise that they should start working early, there wouldn't be anyone who'll shed tears when they receive their O Level results.

Quoted from: Mr. Jackson Tik's blog

... and we will not forget...

O Levels out... soon

It's been one hectic and scary week. Apart from school work and the SC, the O Level results to be released on Friday has been too nerve-racking.

The night before the release of the results was suprisingly calm for me. After Piano ensemble, I unknowingly found myself walking back in the dark to VS, and that was like at 8pm. And coincidently, I met Mrs. Foo my form teacher, who was then in charge of the Sec 3 parent meeting; and hence let us into a conversation. It was pretty a heart-warming talk as we discussed about my ex-classmates, and also about choosing of schools. She recommended us to RJ, due to many reasons, such as the connections which will do good in the long run. Of course, VJC's good too...

So I found myself roaming around the school, and eventually I was at the parade square. This was the first time I was there at 8.30pm. Usually it was locked. I walked alone into that dark silent, yet familiar ground; however, it didn't feel as familiar as it should be in the dark. I felt my goosebumps standing as the cool breeze swept past me; looking up at the "Nil Sine Labore", i suddenly felt so small. The building seemed to be engulfing me. Eventually, upon closing my eyes, images of the times I spent in Victoria School flashed through me. Soon after, I found myself singing the Victorian Anthem... posing like what I used to do for morning assembly, before I tore down the long flight of stairs in fear. I was starting to get too afraid of the solitary and the dark, but nonetheless, the feeling was great... Looks like I miss VS too much.

At the gallery, there were some hostelites playing badminton. Yet, standing before me will be the grounds for judgement tomorrow...

It will be a place where everyone will be witnessing a multi-emotional event.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

O Level Results

New Year was great! Apart from visiting on 1st and 2nd day, 3rd day was most fun. Cause cousins came over to play, and I even learnt to play mahjong. =)

O Level Results will be coming out this Friday... sigh...