
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Different Events

Just last Saturday, 27th May 2006...

Firstly, a very big congratulations to Mr. Jonathan Oh, the supposedly always 15-year-old boy, on his holy matrimony. Seems like dear Mr. Oh has finally grown up haha.

Seeing all the VS teachers, old boys, peers and juniors at the church made it seem as though it wasn't even a wedding at all. Even Mr. Ang and his wife were sitting behind us. In fact, it all felt more like a VS gathering instead.

Indeed, it's been an enriching time spent under your guidance.

Since we met when we were doing the IVP Project in Sec 2; the Victorian Challenge 2003, the Leadership Training Camp, Peer Support Board, Sec 3 camps 2004/2005, and most importantly through my upper secondary life in VS.

So many of us even spent the night at your hostel apartment watching movies. And it proves especially so when you are always constantly reminding me how much a busy I am, always seems to be 'running the school'. And you never fail to remember all your students' birthdays!

Thank you for all that you have done! I wish you all the best in your marriage =)

Time flies, it was somewhat about a year ago when Ms Tang also had her wedding. And she already has given birth to little Megan. So when will it be your turn Mr. and Mrs. Oh?


After a long tedious 4 hours meeting for SDD, Carene, Lubin and I went to Parkway for lunch. Then we ended up window shopping (sigh, girls...) So I ended up walking the whole of Parkway with them.

Following which, I went back to VS. It's just wierd, everytime when I enter the compound, I could feel this familiar aura engulfing me, allowing me to sense the smell of home. Was suppssed to be studying Econs, until Jin Jian and gang saw me and waved to me.

Went over and I started to spend the time there playing carom, guitar, basketball with them, my Sec 3 and 4 juniors.

Subconsciously, I did that from 2pm till 8pm... woah.

How I miss those days in VS... the warm, friendly days where you know most of your peers/juniors/seniors/teachers, who can exchange heartwaming talks with you...

... the days where you can say and do whatever you want without the restriction of presence of other gender...

...the days where you can change in the canteen openly, fully assured that no one from the other gender will be nearby.

...the days such that after a soccer game you can freely pull off your shirt; walk around the room half naked to cool down... Yes, Xuanyi did just that after his basketball game!

those were the days...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

e Irony?

For the past few months, I have reached home at a record of a time not earlier than 8pm everyday. Match supports. yeah.

As usual, today, match supports are on. We had 4 different matches to play. But I had went to RJC at 2pm to attend a forum after settling the match support admin issues in school.

It was supposed to end at 4.30pm and I rush down for soccer match.

Ended late at 5pm instead, and match ended. So I headed for home.

Guess what, I reached home at 6.15pm today, when the sky's still bright, where little children are still out playing.

My mother usually calls me everyday when I am still in school to ask me why I am still not home yet;

Today, she said, "Why are you home so early?!"

That will happen when you returning home late becomes a routine.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


The one day rest on Friday was certainly welcomed. After a loooooooong day on thursday:
1) 2.4 km run in the morning
2) A Level Chemistry SPA Exam
3) Leading Match support against Hwa Chong at Hwa Chong with limited manpower

Woah... what can be a more tiring day than this?

So after sleeping the whole friday, I'm finally recharged for my weekend activities.

Today was supposed to be iComp course. Only when I reached school was I told that the course was cancelled. grrr...

So Han Teng dragged me along to do some charity work. We went to bring some kids from Jamiyah Children's home to visit the HPB. Yup, it was certainly an enriching trip.

Anyway, happy birthday lawie and jasmine!!!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Tradition disorder!

In the evening, Terence and I went back to VS to just hang around and soak in the atmosphere. We brought along Carene, Britney, Nikhil and Lubin. We basically walked around and showed them the place. They were very impressed. Very impressed. The girls were like regretting not coming to VS (now we know what they did during the co-ed saga) And guess what they did –

The VS spelling cheer. Again and again, even while walking out.

And they wanted to do it again with the VS boys.

So watch out.

- Quoted from Mansoor S/O Amir's blog

Wow, imagine that!

They were ever so impressed with the VS's strong spirit and camaraderie.

So for the minority out there who do not think highly of VS, do think again.

Monday, May 08, 2006

fatigue; i need more time

Things are seriously getting out of hand. All, or at least, most of us RECOlas are draining out. Concurrent match supports and SDD are really sapping out the life of us. Mentally and physically. This will really be our most intense period.

To add on to these, concurrently, we've got to balance our PW, of which we have to submit our GPP (Group Project Proposal), EoM (Evaluation of Materials) by like tomorrow? And then our A Level Skill B SPA (Science Practical Assessment) will take place sometime this week too. Mine would be this coming Thurday. Yes, it's A Levels! And it's really tough, especially when I reach home late enough for dinner and sleep.

Teachers, especially my Econs teacher, has been reminding me not to neglect my school work. & I've been feeling real bad not being able to follow up with my work, especially Econs. Weekends would be the only little amount of time to catch up with all the work due at least a week ago.
Tomorrow's Econs test, i don't want to fail. But i have not idea how to start now either.

VJC Interview today. Realised I've got much more to do. I'll really have to work even harder.

Ok, think i've ranted enough. I feel much better now. I will take one step at a time. After the match intense period, I'll use my June Holidays to catch up. I'll keep going. Thanks everyone!

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Was reading my very very first post and I realised;

It's been exactly 1 year since I started off my blog!

Recall the shift from to

See how time flies...