
Sunday, May 29, 2005

CCA Reflections

Frankly speaking...

It is almost time that I handover all my committments to the Sec 3s. Time really seems to fly. After being in the term of office as Head Monitor, i figured out myself to have been exposed to much more things than any other students... such as working with PB for the EDGE Project, taking care of the welfare of Monitors etc. (continued next post above)

Looking back, the role of being MC Chairman has indeed reminded me of my role as President (Chairman) of VS IT Club.

IT Club has been my incubator of growth in Victoria School. Despite having lots of tough times in it, I have been FORCED to surface what resilience there is in me. In it, I turely learnt the term "never give up" and "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". From IT, it learnt many things such as leadership, thorough planning, writing proposals etc. No doubt there are lots of resentment and power struggle, but still I managed to surface.

IT club commenced my VS leadership career by sending me on the Leadership Training Camp 2003. That was when everything took flight. From there, I learnt many things/ways of being a leader. Mr You has always been telling me, being a leader for Uniform Groups and Clubs/Societies are indeed very different.

For example, IT club, we do not have rank and file. If you want to get your EXCO and cca members to be committed and respect you, you must first learn to respect others. Also, you must built strong friendly relationship with them, and learn how to gain their trust, by constantly support them. If not they will boycott you, and you end up doing everything yourself.

On the other hand, Uniform Groups are different. They force fearful respect (not all cases though). Juniors are forced to greet their Seniors "sir". They get 'pumped' and screamed at when work is not done, or if you do not 'respect' them enough. Thus, everyone follows the rigid system of rank and file, forcing them to take all instructions from those only of higher ranked. (correct me if i am wrong)

Moreover, IT club also built me up with team spirit, and it also gave me the idel how to run the club well, which put me in a good position for carrying on in the Monitors' Council.

Thus, IT Club will always be remembered deep in my heart... the catalyst which reflected what I really am.


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