
Monday, August 15, 2005

Oral Examination

Today was indeed a prime highlight of my Secondary 4 life. Its the O Levels Examinations, English Language Oral. Waiting in the air-con hall for my turn was agonising. It takes an average student 15 mins to complete the process, and I happened to be the 9th person in group F097. So I waited from 1.45pm to 4.15pm before it was my turn.

The two examiners (or do you call them inoculators?) for my group were a Malay and an Indian lady, which seemed to be the worst examiners one can get among the other groups. My group gapsed as they approached us; whereas those from other teams shook their head in pity for us. 'How unlucky can we get!! Soon after, we joked amongst ourselves, for we were in it together; and made comments like 'Some Racial Harmony sia !!'.

Ironically, the topic turned out something related to Racial Harmony. A signal brought to us from heaven, we ignored it though. The conversation with them turned out relaxed for me though. Picture conversation was actually about children celebrating Racial Harmony Day in school, with a trishaw brought in to enhance the mood. Bring in the oriental and colonial touch of Singapore's hertiage and era.

One of my classmate said 'tricycle' !? Can't you tell the difference between a trishaw and a tricycle?

Then, they asked me "How the overall atmosphere might be changed?" This stunned most of us. I was like "huh??" Misintepreted the question and said something like "Perhaps a rock band could come in to play?" Unfortunately, that wasn't what they were looking for. They wanted what could remove the joyous mood in the kids, and so they asked again.
Some said the rain came, thus dampened the children's spirit, and cannot continue to enjoy themselves. On the contary, I said the trishaw rider might have received an emergency call and had to leave his job early. Quite a lame question to ask issin't it?

Overall, I was happy with my performance. I was rather regretful about reading the passage too fast though (although it's already at a reduced speed compared to my usual style), and I DO hope all my words are pronounced clearly. Articulation sounds fine to me. Just unhappy with the word "wry", which was pronounced wrongly.

During conversation, I was asked about some favourite teacher or something. Talked about my Lower Secondary Teacher, and managed to peep my score. I saw a 13. Is that a good sign?


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