
Friday, June 24, 2005

Exam Stress !?

Hello everybody! Supposedly to be studying Social Studies now, but I really can't seem to get anything into my head. SS's exam just 2 days away! Nevertheless, I decided to destress first!

Before I continue, I am proud to announce that my blog receives an average of 25 hits per day. I would like to think all friends who have been visiting my blog frequently, my real supporters! People like Mansoor, Hongzhou, Weng Keong, Jeremy Ho, Jafnie, Mark, Derick, John, George, Jarren, Alex, Jonaize, Kian Sin, Jacklyn, Gin, Clement, Calvin ... yes and definitely many more. Can't possible name you all out ! I may have missed you out; and if I do, my sincere apologies.

Do urge you guys to leave some tracks here!! More tags and comments please! Or you guys maybe just coming here for the radio blog songs? lol ! Don't worry, more songs will be coming!

Oh ya, you may be wondering, how keep track of my visitor hits? Find out !

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Today, George was buggin me like fun fair to tell him his positions, both MC and NCC Land. Haha, I shall not be dropping clues. I shall keep mum, information of zilch will be leaked till Monday. Heard that Mansoor had a great time torturing the 5 HP Nominees during the post-Head Prefects Elections Weekend... haha...

Adding on from what I said previously, time indeed flies. And it all seems true as the days drew nearer. This coming Monday, when all sec 4s are having our exams, the results for Sec 3s MC EXCO will be reviewed. Of course, we the executives have already discussed, and have finalised their positions. I do have the results currently on hand, pretty sure they 6 of you guys would be anxious about this? Even your job scopes are ready! This time, you people are given the chance of selecting your apprentices from Sec 2 monitors, so do a good job k, carrying on the wonderful work from your Sec 4s.

Remember, with power comes responsibilities...

Staring at the new MC hierarchy chart delivered to my email, I realised, indeed another week has gone by. I could still clearly remember how the feeling was like when Ms Margaret Ng released to us our positions. I was given chairman, given the tideous job. I had to work with people I’m not close with, and start from nothing, not to mention concurrent with IT Club's stuff.

My batch of EXCO chosen then was equivalent to just any sec 3 monitors that are interested to take up the positions, so the EXCO were actually not very close with one another. Other then a few...

MC was rather 'dead' then, in shreds. Many things needed to be started afresh, new teacher IC s, new structure, new plans, new hierarchy, and new environment... everything’s new. Cause our seniors had not really done a very good job maintaining MC ever since Santosh's year. Last year's EXCO wasn’t united; even school monitors feel no passion for the council... (Was there even an EXCO last yr? lol)

So technically starting this year, my batch could be considered the new generation pioneer batch of MC, or probably so called the new beginning. Luckily, I had a 3-yr experience with running clubs and societies, somewhat like an organisation (as Mr You always tells me). I put what I learnt from IT Club into place, so basically MC 's structure's now building up like IT Club's. With the starting of EXCO/general meeting/minutes recorded, filing systems, apprentice EXCO, even a strong online communication structure... ah ha, most of you would know the rest... hope the new few generations can carry on well our efforts, which was built from scratch... yeah, just some basic reflections on my part. Don't let me down my upcoming Sec 3s...

'That here our better youth was spent, that what we are was seeded then.'

Thanks to Mansoor who enlightened me on this quote above from our VS's poem, I believe most of us sec 4s realise its true meaning after all...


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