
Saturday, June 18, 2005

My Spontaneous Reflections

The is finally on independent server. Thanks !

For the past few days, i have been thinking and thinking. Spontaneously, the image of how 'terence' would be like during graduation day appears in the bleak cerebrum of mine. I know this day cannot be avoided, it will come... and very soon in fact. 3 months to be precise.

Time indeed flies, there is no way to describe this apprehensive feeling.

To make things worse, something else struck me hard, increasing its impact on my 'still' confused mind, as just 20 minutes ago on MSN...

superfly: hi terrance (she usually spells terence wrongly)
superfly: so which day can we meet them?
terence: tue? noon?
superfly: okie

superfly: i will see you guys at 12pm?
terence: k
superfly: so do you think we can finalise who should be in EXCO by next week?
terence: er... yeah
superfly: and then i will speak to mr gabriel on wed to ask him to handle the handover ceremony

That was my conversation with Ms Tang (or should it be Mdm Tang?). After what she said, I realised the handover for Monitors' Council will be within er... a stone throw's away?
(can i use this to describe time too, instead of distance?)

Not even for this, I was already discussing with some other SLs about the selection of new Senior Leaders for the Leadership Training Camp 2005. To me, all these are happening too soon. I can still clearly remember the experience I had when I was only selected as a Junior Leader about 2 yrs ago.

Everything is dropping off like dead flies, the things that I have been given and worked hard for will soon be parting, right even from the beginning ever since i left VS IT Club's presidential office.

I really can't bear to part, I want to be the VS IT Club's president forever, I want to be the Monitors' Council Chairman for good, I want to stay on as a VS Senior Leader, going on to conduct camps for Sec 3s, and stay on as a Peer Leader for my Sec ones...

Even before this, just a few nights ago, I was talking to Wenshu about similar issues. He told me the last day he had in VS before leaving for VIP (Victoria Integrated Programme) was rather a bitter one; he just couldn't stop crying after the decision was confirmed.

I'm too attached to VS. VS and I are bonded together, no way we can part. If Wenshu had cried bitterly over this, what will I be feeling on my last day of school? Parting with my friends, the VS Spirit, my commitments. Everything will just be cut off... Nothing will be left. I will be left alone in my own world. Lonely...

It is a fact that I spent 4 fulfilling years in Victoria School, unlike Wenshu or the other IP boys, who spent only 2 years. If 2 yrs could make him cry like this, seriously, what will happen to me on the last day of school? Would I not be able to take the blow and jump off a building?

I have been trained as a student leader, been given the opportunities which many aren't. Perhaps, it is because of this, I feel much more attached to the school. I believe it is unanimous amongst all VS Student Leaders (be it cca leaders, ltc, cic etc), as well as many other Victorians who have gained/learnt something from VS, all of us have already regarded VS as our second home...

Ask people like Mansoor, See Kiat, Shaun Chook, Evan, Johnathan F ... etc... and they will prove that I'm right. I believe we shall be giving a deafening and solid spelling cheer during graduation day to conclude our 4 wonderful years VS have given us, following which we shall be crying our hearts out at home, missing the wonderful times we had...

Indeed, the school that watched us grow... we left a legacy...

Life in VS has been an enriching one. Never once did I regret entering VS, despite all the ups and downs and obstacles I faced.

I was telling Wenshu that it was a pity he had missed his upper sec. life, as that is the most fulfilling times in secondary school. its the time u learn to take up responsibilities, and put ideas into action, enjoying the fruits of labour once u are in sec 4 (esp. at my stage). Of course, Wenshu agreed, and he somewhat regretted going for IP. making people regret leaving VS... haha, that indeed sought me a sense of triumph. oh well, that's besides the point... well at least those who left for IP still clearly remains in them the VS Spirit.

I still remember 2 yrs ago... (something which i really cherished from VS...)

In Secondary Two, I again took up the role as a class monitor. This year was rather a special year for me, as our class, Secondary 2C, had a meaningful June Holiday. We had our ceremonial move, which was concurrent with Victoria Challenge.

Our class decided to do something bold and daring – We decided to built a massive sand sculpture of the Victoria School logo on the beach, and at the same time, introduce Victoria School to the people at the beach. Working with my class committee on this was indeed tough, as we had to balance our planning with our forth coming Mid Years examinations.

There was once the project committee went all the way to the NParks Headquaters to discuss our project with their chairperson, although that was during our examination week.

I still remember there was this interview, and our class's project was even featured on the NewPaper(I still have that article though). However, during the course of the planning process, there were many things the committee could not see eye to eye with, thus heated arguments could not be avoided. Struggle between the committee members on the work credit were plentiful, and thus the committee split apart.

Nevertheless, the project was rather a success, despite President Nathan not going all the way to the East Coast Beach to visit our project. He was too busy looking at the exhibits in school then.

From this experience, I learnt that communication skill is actually very important. This skill is applied when I was trying to get the class to be united and to decide what project we should do in the initial stage. Also, I learnt that in order for planning to go smoothly, there must be unity within a group. As for the arguments, there is no such case as to satisfy everybody, and everyone should learn to give and take.

Thank you everyone in VS, for what you have given and taught me, you shall live in my heart... always...

Let's strive to keep her flag unfurled...


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