
Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Long lost times

Yeah. Today just finished my E Maths Paper 2. Finally feeling confident for one paper. Hope all goes well for A Maths Paper 2, Biology and Chem...

Now that I'm in the midst of the war, this feeling suddenly dawned upon me. I am actually missing the challenging times I have had in Secondary Three. I really miss those times when bickering with Derick, the anxiety I felt when things failed to be the way it is, being trapped between my EXCO and Heads, planning and doing work for my CCAs... etc.

To think of it, I have not been spending time with my IT Club mates for a long time already (ever since handover). Derick, Pravind, Faris, Chris, Darel, Keng Hua, even Mandhir perhaps. Now, we're bearly like an acquaintance, saying only 'Hi!' as we meet. I clearly remember the times when we were planning and running the camp. The 'shit' we went through together, the hatred, the joy we shared during the course of our camp. That has indeed united us then.

So much have changed since then. We have all distant. We bearly seem to know one another now, not even a common topic on hand. Why is this so? Why are we not bonded closely like the other Sec 4s in other CCAs? Perhaps we have all decided to head our own paths? We really need to catch up with things.

So much have gone by, can I still relieve the past?


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