
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Teachers' Day? English?

It's been past 12 midnight, it's now the eve of teachers' day. I have just completed whatever's necessary to be done for celebration of teachers' day in approximately 6 hours time. I have to prepare the gifts for my teachers, part of the job is to be done on behalf of my class. I was printing the names on the envolopes that I realised I had actually bought 1 card less for the 7 teachers. Ahh ! Was in a dilemma which teacher I should omit. Decided to draw lots though... You see, it was only in the afternoon that we(Kian Sin, See Kiat, Ray Hng, Johnathan) went to parkway to purchase these gifts. Last minute...

Oh well, hope every thing turns out fine for the "Pamper your teachers" session. Not like as if no one knows how notorious Sec 4D can be. Many of whom, possessing self-centeredness, might end up not bothering about anything, but only things that benefits themselves. Hope my welfare head knows what he is doing, and has planned what to do, to salvage whatever calamity which I think we might not be able to evade.

Hope that the Monitors' and Prefects' could put up a good show during the concert. (Pls dun disgrace us, will be v embarrassing if you guys cock up. So George, Calvin and Jarren, all the best!) Will be looking forward to that, as well as the song dedication thingy.

Oh yes, side tracking to another issue, yesterday (Tue, 30th Aug) I took my English Prelim papers 1 and 2. Paper one was a report about working and also a discussive titled "Should parents restrict children from computer gaming? What are your views?" Shouldn't pose a problem, should it? It's my niche , luckily.

Paper 2 was the real killer. Drifting through the 1h 45min duration, I was merely staring at pure text. The passage was depicting issues about myths and wars. Not my niche in the first place.
Comprehension? What comprehension? I couldn't understand 60% of the passsage despite reading it thoroughly for at least 25 mins before attempting the first question. I even resorted to digesting the information sentence by sentence. Yet it proved much to be true.

What's more's the "chim" volcabulary used. Just when I feared most, the summary question came. Not only I could not identify the points, I could not even transpose the words. Words I didn't understand, words I couldn't pronounce. It seemed as though it could recognise me, while it doesn't prove true the other way round. It appears to be laughing at me, critising me as a stupefied, dense, deficient, thickheaded, foolish, dodo person. I really hoped the points I (any-o-how) underlined came in appropriate. If I did well, its gonna be sheer tyco-ism. But it's my L1, it's counted for Prelims L1R5, what can I do?

Upon entering Jeremy He's (Currect classmate, Sec 4D) blog, I saw my big fat name staring back at me. Let me quote you what he said.

Quoteterence lim. this guy right. was born on the same day as me, a couple of hours before. in the same hospital. tell me the likelihood or probability of someone like that, ending up in the same school, same class. i won't go into the academics, but we're quite the same. weird. haha was thinking, we should like gather all the 17jan'ers and review what we have become. all born with a clean slate, and the same chance in life - comparing what we have made of it.

- Quoted from Jeremy He,

All I can say is, Jeremy, you rock. You evoked exactly what I have had always wanted to say about our births. I cannot disagree with anything you said. Now, I conclude we even think alike; What co-incidence. Does similarties in birth bring about similar fates?

P.S. Oh yea Jer, I found out another person who has the same birthdays as us, from Sec 4E, Syed Khalid Aljahsyi B M. Let's go find out about his fate to make your conclusion, haha.


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