
Saturday, August 20, 2005

Social Studies Practice

Exams are coming, yet the issue on the VS going Co-ed is still lingering in my mind. I used to be anti-coEd too, but, after reading so many expositories (pros/cons of Co-ed) of so many people, I am now ambivalence in my stance.

Is going Co-ed the only way out to solve VS's current problems? If yes, would I rather see VS go down the drain as a boys school, or would I rather see VS remain competitive as a mixed school. Is sacrificing our tradtion worth it?

Anyway, here are some extracts of views who are anti-coEd (i apologise for being one sided here), but its a good practice for Social Studies anyway.

Source AI'm not a Victorian, and will never be one, unless I go join that kuku-lala-sits-on-the-old-gum-tree VJC, but chances are 0. Of course if 15 years ago I was born a male, I'd have probably joined VS, after my Brother. Despite VS being a racist school (shut up la don't deny), I admire their weird culture and school spirit, which many other schools either don't have, or have lost it. Also, isn't it more carefree being a guy! No monthly ketchup-spraying and pms-ing, no extra weight on the chest and no pregnancy! But I'd like to do without a dingdong between the legs, and the BO too. Shudders.

But the fact remains. I will never be a male, and I will not want to enter VS as a female. Come on, it just doesn't sound right. Imagine all the funds needed to build extra toilets, and to blur certain glass railings to protect female privacy, not to mention the designing of new uniforms! Their once united school cheers will sound something like a choir gone wrong with screeches and roars tangled up together (I am glad of our low cheers) and oh God let's not continue. VS will not only be a racist school, but will also turn into a sexist school! Females will be made to do everything and anything because they are the intruders, but they will learn to rise and overthrown misogynists and soon a war will break out till everyone is slaughtered. Majulah!

- adapted from

Source BWell, come to think of it, who would want to form the first batch of girls IF VS becomes co-ed? I mean, why will girls be willing to enter a school full of boys, no female seniors, in a very male environment, enter toilets which were originally made for males, and so on and so forth? Unless the girl is weighing the possibility of getting into VJC easier more than anything else. Or unless her father is a old Victorian and wants his child to be in VS. Or unless the IP programme is really super attractive. Other than that, I cannot imagine girls in VS. And I also wonder how many girls actually want to go VS in the first place. They must be out of their mind (or unless they have a problem with their gender...)

- adapted from

Source CProvanence: Written by VJC student, former Catholic High student.

1) Victorians read the TNP article and get all flustered, enraged, angered - Passion. They love their school and they aren’t afraid to show it.

2) Just 2 days following that, a flurry of posts on the blog keeps them in check. They remind each other about the motive behind their peititions. They remind each other that the enemy is not their principal. They remind each other that passive talking is not going to acheive anything. They remind each other what it means to be a Victorian

3) Many ex-VS boys return to VS to work on the issue. The managerial committee of the OVA has issued a statement on their stand. The Victorians claim to have a counter-proposal on the way. Apparently they are putting up a display, donning their P.E. shirts around tommorow. (How many will actually do it, that we will see)

Basically, this is it:

Passion -> Voice -> Action

That should be how every self-respecting human being should be. And they did it all in 2 days. I’ve always dreamed of being like that. Now that I’ve seen it with my own eyes, I now know its possible.

Thank you, Victoria.

- adapated from

Q1) Study Source A. What is Source A trying to tell you about VS going Co-ed. Explain your answer. [5]

Q2) Study Sources A and B. How similar is Source A from Source B. Explain your answer. [7]

Q3) Study Source C. How far can you accept Source C that Victorians SHOULD feel proud for what they are. Explain your answer. [8]


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