
Monday, August 22, 2005

Mr Ang's Address

Let me commence with the atmosphere during assembly today, as we were given a talk about the medical career. Secondary 4s gathered in the auditorium, we sang anthem "thy SONS are we" really with pride. We were all feeling excited and jubilent; giving us a sense of unity and brotherhood. Even the guest speaker was impressed by our spirit.

Mr. Ang addressed us on the Co-ed issue which has caused a cacophony of voices from past, present Victorians. In my opinion, he had given a very fair account. I can't remember everything he said, but i shall draft and summarise whatever i can recall.

  • As mentioned earlier, the issue is not closed.
  • Main issue here is not about VS going Co-ed, but instead, brainstorm ideas to ensure VS remains competitive in the changing education system.
  • In reality, results must be shown, not only CCA excellence, but an all-rounded.
  • Would parents choose a school because it is more value added / acadamically prestigious or because it's a single-sex school, or even tradition?
  • Mr. Ang stated that Co-education is only one of the ideas to be considered.
  • Mr. Ang had only sent out the email to all teachers to seek their opinions on the issue, for this is taking things systematically. First seeking the teachers', then the students and parents.
  • Unfortunately, information was leaked out.
  • VS is indeed suffering from a braindrain. If 100 applicants from Sec 2s flow out, who will be left (even to run our ccas; band, orchestra, choir). Something must be done.

Disclaimer: The points here are as what I have recalled, and I shall not be held liable for any mistake(s) in my recount above.


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