
Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Teachers' Day? English?

It's been past 12 midnight, it's now the eve of teachers' day. I have just completed whatever's necessary to be done for celebration of teachers' day in approximately 6 hours time. I have to prepare the gifts for my teachers, part of the job is to be done on behalf of my class. I was printing the names on the envolopes that I realised I had actually bought 1 card less for the 7 teachers. Ahh ! Was in a dilemma which teacher I should omit. Decided to draw lots though... You see, it was only in the afternoon that we(Kian Sin, See Kiat, Ray Hng, Johnathan) went to parkway to purchase these gifts. Last minute...

Oh well, hope every thing turns out fine for the "Pamper your teachers" session. Not like as if no one knows how notorious Sec 4D can be. Many of whom, possessing self-centeredness, might end up not bothering about anything, but only things that benefits themselves. Hope my welfare head knows what he is doing, and has planned what to do, to salvage whatever calamity which I think we might not be able to evade.

Hope that the Monitors' and Prefects' could put up a good show during the concert. (Pls dun disgrace us, will be v embarrassing if you guys cock up. So George, Calvin and Jarren, all the best!) Will be looking forward to that, as well as the song dedication thingy.

Oh yes, side tracking to another issue, yesterday (Tue, 30th Aug) I took my English Prelim papers 1 and 2. Paper one was a report about working and also a discussive titled "Should parents restrict children from computer gaming? What are your views?" Shouldn't pose a problem, should it? It's my niche , luckily.

Paper 2 was the real killer. Drifting through the 1h 45min duration, I was merely staring at pure text. The passage was depicting issues about myths and wars. Not my niche in the first place.
Comprehension? What comprehension? I couldn't understand 60% of the passsage despite reading it thoroughly for at least 25 mins before attempting the first question. I even resorted to digesting the information sentence by sentence. Yet it proved much to be true.

What's more's the "chim" volcabulary used. Just when I feared most, the summary question came. Not only I could not identify the points, I could not even transpose the words. Words I didn't understand, words I couldn't pronounce. It seemed as though it could recognise me, while it doesn't prove true the other way round. It appears to be laughing at me, critising me as a stupefied, dense, deficient, thickheaded, foolish, dodo person. I really hoped the points I (any-o-how) underlined came in appropriate. If I did well, its gonna be sheer tyco-ism. But it's my L1, it's counted for Prelims L1R5, what can I do?

Upon entering Jeremy He's (Currect classmate, Sec 4D) blog, I saw my big fat name staring back at me. Let me quote you what he said.

Quoteterence lim. this guy right. was born on the same day as me, a couple of hours before. in the same hospital. tell me the likelihood or probability of someone like that, ending up in the same school, same class. i won't go into the academics, but we're quite the same. weird. haha was thinking, we should like gather all the 17jan'ers and review what we have become. all born with a clean slate, and the same chance in life - comparing what we have made of it.

- Quoted from Jeremy He,

All I can say is, Jeremy, you rock. You evoked exactly what I have had always wanted to say about our births. I cannot disagree with anything you said. Now, I conclude we even think alike; What co-incidence. Does similarties in birth bring about similar fates?

P.S. Oh yea Jer, I found out another person who has the same birthdays as us, from Sec 4E, Syed Khalid Aljahsyi B M. Let's go find out about his fate to make your conclusion, haha.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Who painted the moon black?

Who painted the moon black - Hayley Westenra

Did you see the shiny moon.
Turned into a black balloon.
Just as you walked away from me.

Did you see how hard I've tried.
Not to show the pain inside.
Just as you walked away from me.

Who painted the moon black?
Just when you passed your love back.
Who painted the moon black?
Oh won't you, won't you come back?

It must have been the darkest night.
Not even a star in sight.
Just as you walked away from me now.
Who painted the moon black?
Just when you passed your love back.
Who painted the moon black?
Oh won't you, won't you come back?

Who painted the moon black?
Just when you passed your love back.
Who painted the moon black?
Oh won't you, won't you come back?
Who painted the moon?
Did you see the shiny moon?
Turned into a black balloon.
Just as you walked away from me.

If you don't mind me narrating my story...

Last night at 9.30pm, I was on the way home from Admiralty MRT station. There was this HUGE crowd of people stuck at the exit. See the crowd on the right? They were at a lost, don't know what to do. Guess what happened?

Notice the following?

1) The 'ubiquitous' "Green Arrow" / "Red Cross" has disappeared.

2) All gantries are open.

Deduce what might have happened.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

And touch the sound of silence...

And specifically to my current MC Vice-chairman, remember what I told u. The space has been reserved for you, I want to see how you take it up. I do want to see you excel, after all you left me a very good impression ever since i got to know you. I still remember the day before the MC general meeting, you smsed me "Snr Terence, is there a general meeting tomorrow?". When I thought you were asking about LTC general meeting, I was like "Huh!?". Until you replied "Yeah, I am chosen as a monitor, surprised?" See how time flies.

And to my direct MC pre-descendant, hope you know what's right & what's to be done. Do make the changes with due effect as possible, you know what i mean. After all, you are taking up ANOTHER leadership position. Better prove yourself to be much more capable.

It's finally another weekend, which means one week closer to the Prelims. Or should it be one week closer to the end of Prelims. The Prelims have started, last Thursday, where we had our Chemistry Practical.

Gas evolved: Was it Oxygen, Chlorine, Hydrogen, Carbon Dioxide, Sulphur Dioxide or Iodine?
Wow, one question got the whole Secondary 4s into a wild goose chase.

Potential list for Senior leaders 2005/2006 has just came out. I just can't understand why it has to be released so early. We the SLs have only just finished discussing the names on that day it was released. No doubt, there was a controversy during the selection, for we have too many good JLs. In conclusion, I personally feel that not everyone on list deserves the prestidge. Either they have yet proven themselves to me, be it capability, attitude wise, or academics wise (there are execptions though), or have not shown enough leadership qualities.

Even those few whom I think deserve to be selected could not have their names sustained through the final barrier, due to one reason or another.

Anyway, all the best to the selected few, you still have your Final year exams to prove yourselves. You need those A1s to remain as an active student leader in Sec 4.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Mr Ang's Address

Let me commence with the atmosphere during assembly today, as we were given a talk about the medical career. Secondary 4s gathered in the auditorium, we sang anthem "thy SONS are we" really with pride. We were all feeling excited and jubilent; giving us a sense of unity and brotherhood. Even the guest speaker was impressed by our spirit.

Mr. Ang addressed us on the Co-ed issue which has caused a cacophony of voices from past, present Victorians. In my opinion, he had given a very fair account. I can't remember everything he said, but i shall draft and summarise whatever i can recall.

  • As mentioned earlier, the issue is not closed.
  • Main issue here is not about VS going Co-ed, but instead, brainstorm ideas to ensure VS remains competitive in the changing education system.
  • In reality, results must be shown, not only CCA excellence, but an all-rounded.
  • Would parents choose a school because it is more value added / acadamically prestigious or because it's a single-sex school, or even tradition?
  • Mr. Ang stated that Co-education is only one of the ideas to be considered.
  • Mr. Ang had only sent out the email to all teachers to seek their opinions on the issue, for this is taking things systematically. First seeking the teachers', then the students and parents.
  • Unfortunately, information was leaked out.
  • VS is indeed suffering from a braindrain. If 100 applicants from Sec 2s flow out, who will be left (even to run our ccas; band, orchestra, choir). Something must be done.

Disclaimer: The points here are as what I have recalled, and I shall not be held liable for any mistake(s) in my recount above.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Social Studies Practice

Exams are coming, yet the issue on the VS going Co-ed is still lingering in my mind. I used to be anti-coEd too, but, after reading so many expositories (pros/cons of Co-ed) of so many people, I am now ambivalence in my stance.

Is going Co-ed the only way out to solve VS's current problems? If yes, would I rather see VS go down the drain as a boys school, or would I rather see VS remain competitive as a mixed school. Is sacrificing our tradtion worth it?

Anyway, here are some extracts of views who are anti-coEd (i apologise for being one sided here), but its a good practice for Social Studies anyway.

Source AI'm not a Victorian, and will never be one, unless I go join that kuku-lala-sits-on-the-old-gum-tree VJC, but chances are 0. Of course if 15 years ago I was born a male, I'd have probably joined VS, after my Brother. Despite VS being a racist school (shut up la don't deny), I admire their weird culture and school spirit, which many other schools either don't have, or have lost it. Also, isn't it more carefree being a guy! No monthly ketchup-spraying and pms-ing, no extra weight on the chest and no pregnancy! But I'd like to do without a dingdong between the legs, and the BO too. Shudders.

But the fact remains. I will never be a male, and I will not want to enter VS as a female. Come on, it just doesn't sound right. Imagine all the funds needed to build extra toilets, and to blur certain glass railings to protect female privacy, not to mention the designing of new uniforms! Their once united school cheers will sound something like a choir gone wrong with screeches and roars tangled up together (I am glad of our low cheers) and oh God let's not continue. VS will not only be a racist school, but will also turn into a sexist school! Females will be made to do everything and anything because they are the intruders, but they will learn to rise and overthrown misogynists and soon a war will break out till everyone is slaughtered. Majulah!

- adapted from

Source BWell, come to think of it, who would want to form the first batch of girls IF VS becomes co-ed? I mean, why will girls be willing to enter a school full of boys, no female seniors, in a very male environment, enter toilets which were originally made for males, and so on and so forth? Unless the girl is weighing the possibility of getting into VJC easier more than anything else. Or unless her father is a old Victorian and wants his child to be in VS. Or unless the IP programme is really super attractive. Other than that, I cannot imagine girls in VS. And I also wonder how many girls actually want to go VS in the first place. They must be out of their mind (or unless they have a problem with their gender...)

- adapted from

Source CProvanence: Written by VJC student, former Catholic High student.

1) Victorians read the TNP article and get all flustered, enraged, angered - Passion. They love their school and they aren’t afraid to show it.

2) Just 2 days following that, a flurry of posts on the blog keeps them in check. They remind each other about the motive behind their peititions. They remind each other that the enemy is not their principal. They remind each other that passive talking is not going to acheive anything. They remind each other what it means to be a Victorian

3) Many ex-VS boys return to VS to work on the issue. The managerial committee of the OVA has issued a statement on their stand. The Victorians claim to have a counter-proposal on the way. Apparently they are putting up a display, donning their P.E. shirts around tommorow. (How many will actually do it, that we will see)

Basically, this is it:

Passion -> Voice -> Action

That should be how every self-respecting human being should be. And they did it all in 2 days. I’ve always dreamed of being like that. Now that I’ve seen it with my own eyes, I now know its possible.

Thank you, Victoria.

- adapated from

Q1) Study Source A. What is Source A trying to tell you about VS going Co-ed. Explain your answer. [5]

Q2) Study Sources A and B. How similar is Source A from Source B. Explain your answer. [7]

Q3) Study Source C. How far can you accept Source C that Victorians SHOULD feel proud for what they are. Explain your answer. [8]

Thursday, August 18, 2005

VS's on the verge of going Co-ed?!

Girls in Victoria School?
By Santokh Singh

S’pore’s last all-boys govt school wants to go co-ed. Some old boys upset.

It is the country’s last all-boys government school. But Victoria School (VS) has decided to take a knife to tradition – it wants to go co-ed.

The school has submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Education in what looks like a move to play catch-up with some of Singapore’s top schools.

It hopes that turning co-ed can make it the main feeder school for Victoria Junior College (VJC) with the possibility of merging into one Integrated Programme (IP) in the long run.

That would make it similar to the Raffles and Hwa Chong families, where the boys’ and girls’ schools are linked to their respective JCs. Their students study a six-year course bypassing the O levels.

MOE confirmed receiving the proposal and said it had asked the school to submit a detailed proposal of its overall long-term plan for evaluation.

If it gets the nod, VS will leave behind a 129-year-old tradition of being an all-boys school.

The school did have girls in pre-university classes from the 1950s until as late as the ‘80s.

Right now, it is the only government all-boys’ school left in Singapore.

Principal’s Email

VS Principal Ang Pow Chew, 46, is away on a school trip to china and could not be contacted.

But in an earlier e-mail to his staff, he said the school is suffering a brain drain following recent changes to the education landscape.

In 2004, 38 students, about 10 per cent of that cohort, left VS to join the IP offered by Junior Colleges and some of the independent schools. The school predicts that the number leaving the school could go up to 100 or about a third of the cohort.

Said Mr Ang in the e-mail: “VS will experience a deep hollowing out effect. In anticipation of the challenges and opportunities generated, VS and Victoria JC see merits in both institutions working closely together to offer linked programmes.”

VJC is already offering its own IP programme for students from Sec 3 onwards.

The plan is for VS to be the main feeder school for VJC. To do so at least 50 percent of each Sec 3 cohort must meet the JC’s cut-off mark. That may not be possible if it remain an all-boys school.

Said Mr Ang: “As it is unlikely that this target can be reached with VS remaining a boys’ school, we believe that turning co-ed will raise the quality of the intake.”

Eventually, both schools hope to run an Integrated Programme just as the Raffles and Hwa Chong families are doing now.

Many old Victorians were unhappy

Old boy Chan Joo Peng, 27, said: “I don’t think the aim is to bring bout an IP programming at all. It is just to help VS climb the rankings ladder."

“While I am all for better performance, I am not for it to be at the expense of some strong traditions. I would rather see an all-boys VS moving up the ladder on its own steam.”

Old Victorians Association president Aaron Tan said they would respond after a meeting on the issue.

Source: The New Paper (17th August 2005)

This was yesterday's article. It came as a shock to me, in fact to most Victorians.

A lot has been heard, has been done. The chaos online, even online and offline petitions. Recently saw the anti-co-ed blog. From all this, at least, I could sense the strong, united Victorian spirit.

We have gone through 129 years. It is our heritage. Won't want to see it changed. Never !

Today in school, there were petitions set up in the canteen, just at the mural. After school, the Monitors and Prefects stayed back for a collaborative meeting, hoping to do something to prevent a catastrophe. It was then we saw 2 reporters coming into our school, hoping to grab a shot of post-'riot'. Probably they came at the wrong time, not many Victorians were left; petitions were taken down. So they got nothing. Except the online petition site. I'm thankful, they should wait for Mr Ang to come back !

Monday, August 15, 2005

Oral Examination

Today was indeed a prime highlight of my Secondary 4 life. Its the O Levels Examinations, English Language Oral. Waiting in the air-con hall for my turn was agonising. It takes an average student 15 mins to complete the process, and I happened to be the 9th person in group F097. So I waited from 1.45pm to 4.15pm before it was my turn.

The two examiners (or do you call them inoculators?) for my group were a Malay and an Indian lady, which seemed to be the worst examiners one can get among the other groups. My group gapsed as they approached us; whereas those from other teams shook their head in pity for us. 'How unlucky can we get!! Soon after, we joked amongst ourselves, for we were in it together; and made comments like 'Some Racial Harmony sia !!'.

Ironically, the topic turned out something related to Racial Harmony. A signal brought to us from heaven, we ignored it though. The conversation with them turned out relaxed for me though. Picture conversation was actually about children celebrating Racial Harmony Day in school, with a trishaw brought in to enhance the mood. Bring in the oriental and colonial touch of Singapore's hertiage and era.

One of my classmate said 'tricycle' !? Can't you tell the difference between a trishaw and a tricycle?

Then, they asked me "How the overall atmosphere might be changed?" This stunned most of us. I was like "huh??" Misintepreted the question and said something like "Perhaps a rock band could come in to play?" Unfortunately, that wasn't what they were looking for. They wanted what could remove the joyous mood in the kids, and so they asked again.
Some said the rain came, thus dampened the children's spirit, and cannot continue to enjoy themselves. On the contary, I said the trishaw rider might have received an emergency call and had to leave his job early. Quite a lame question to ask issin't it?

Overall, I was happy with my performance. I was rather regretful about reading the passage too fast though (although it's already at a reduced speed compared to my usual style), and I DO hope all my words are pronounced clearly. Articulation sounds fine to me. Just unhappy with the word "wry", which was pronounced wrongly.

During conversation, I was asked about some favourite teacher or something. Talked about my Lower Secondary Teacher, and managed to peep my score. I saw a 13. Is that a good sign?

Sunday, August 07, 2005

A world of my own...

I am lost in the world of my own. I am so lonely. Everyone seems to be engaging in their own path towards success. Everyday, I go to school to prepare for my fate. Sometimes, I may just side-track and get involved in my CCAs; as minimal as possible, just for the reminicing taste of it.

As each day inched by, it gets closer and closer and closer to the examinations. Take for example, the O Levels Oral/Aural examinations is just a week away. I can feel the intense pressure engulfing me. This date used to be of no significance; it used to be so far-fetched. But not anymore, especially when I am able to count the number of days left with my 10 fingers.

Prelims are just 3 weeks away. In fact, is it only 1 week away if I consider the practicals. I haven't been able to put my study plan on schedule. I couldn't start on my own written notes. Im still stuck with tons of homework, all the SBQs and SEQs for both humanities. Apart from that, even class administration matters. When will I be able to break free?

Tmr is National Day's celebrations. Sec 4s get to celebrate by running the Inter House Championships. What a 'successful' breakway from stress with a nice stroll along the beach. Cheer for me. I am aiming for 1st place; from the back that is.