
Friday, September 16, 2005

Post Exam Menstrual

The preliminary examinations are finally over, for most of the Secondary Fours that is. I wouldn't dare say all is over, after all the O Levels Exams are still 6 weeks away. As for me, my prelim's yet offically ended, for there's still Higher Mother Tongue paper left on Monday.

Hmmx, how to study for Higher Mother Tongue. The number of volcabulary words to study is too much. There's no way I am going to study all the 8 books of volcabulary + 250 idioms. I might just flip through the pages and hope I'm lucky enough to spot erm. After all, why bother to learn (300 * 8 + 250 = 2650) chinese volcabulary for just 35 marks?

For the past examination week, I have had undergone the worse phase in my life. Biology was just yesterday (Friday).

Biology is content heavy. I studied content from 9am all the way till 4 am (that's 19 hours of studying) yet still couldn't complete everything. Biology paper one turned out surprisingly easy. It was paper two that was purposely set up to murder us. The entire paper 2 Section A was totally outside the text. To think of it, it wasn't worth sacrificing my sleep the night before.

For example, most of us didn't know our sexual reproduction produces mucus. Never even heard before in my life. Not even did textbook said anything about this. Moreover, I haven't even copulated before. Hence, I had to cock up something stupid, and in the end I wrote "Mucus was produced to reduce friction between the sexual organs during sexual intercourse." Hilarious? Anyway, it sounds logical; and I wasn't the only one who wrote this.

Question: How positive ions in de-odourant can kill saprophyes which release the fatty acids in fats.
*stunned !* Isn't this Chmistry?

Question: Describe how is yeast infection caused by the over use of some crappy medicine... which could produce an unpleasant odour from the vagina.
My Answer: Over use of the medicine kills all the bacteria which produces the acid. Without the acid to control growth of yeast, yeast starts to respire anaerobially in the vagina and hence causes the smell (I almost wanted to write the yeast corrodes the vagina cells !!!)

How am I supposed to know why bacteria in the vagina produces an acid to prevent yeast infection. I don't even have a vagina, I don't experience it, neither have we studied the disease b4, how am I expected to answer?

Then they gave a picture of a boy with a super fat and huge legs.
Question: Why elephantitis is caused....
How am I supposed to know what elephantitis cause wad fat blockage of what lacteals??

Ok, enough of biology, its all over anyway... I shan't name the settle lest I start scolding vulgarities. (*I take back my words)

Other papers were fine... Wednesday we had Chemistry which was ok, though meant to be tricky by Mr. Wong. Could do almost all the questions, except MCQ which made tricky mistakes.

A. Maths on Tuesday turned out pretty cool too, I could do all questions except the one with the vectors. I suck at vectors, must start working on it for the O levels.

Except for Physics on Monday. That one I totally screwed it. Won't be talking about it. Wen Shu, I shall be buggin you about this...

Anyway, all the best to Sec 1-3s who are preparing for their forthcoming EOY exams. :-)


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