
Saturday, October 29, 2005

Chinese !?!?!?


Hey Terence, think of the bright side man, after monday you won't touch chiense for the next 2 years !

Sigh! Yes, i'm turning crazy, higher chinese has lots more crap than express chinese does. So yeah. I'm worst off k? Wanted to go to open house today, but I decided not to lest it lags me furthur. I'm already lagging. One more day and 4 more bks to go !

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Chemistry Practical

Even so, I expected the truth. I would gladly accept your reasonings; why you might not want to tell me, or probably why you couldn't. At least... not some lie.

Chemistry practical turned out rather unexpected. Especially after the crappy biology papers last week. It was really easy. The answers to the questions were pretty obvious, even without attempting the solutions. The only controversy was whether solution "S" contained Zn2+ or Al3+ ions. Most got the Pb2+ ions in "T" due to bright yellow precipitate formed due to addition of Lead Iodide. "U" contained Ag2+ ions, but no one got that, as it was not required.

Hope I can ace this paper! =)

The only bad thing about being in the first shift is that you have to be quarantined for 4 hours. At least I learnt how to "bridge" during the 4 hours haha. And not forgetting to mention mingling around with ex-classmates (we have already graduated, haven't we?) like Law, Kenneth, See Kiat, Wilson, Darren and co.

Yeah, guess what, after the quarantine, it started raining... realliiiiheavily. It's like been years since it rained so heavily. Stuck in school, so I decided to walk around school, and caught Chengkai, George, Honghan, Nicholas, Calvin, Naresh... ya, and co. They were having an interview for the Sec 2s Potential Leaders. Decided to join in and ya; reminiscing of how excited we (Shu Xie, See Kiat, Evan, Roderick, Johnathan, ... ya and co.) were to go Mawai again. It's indeed time to pass the baton.

And tt's followed by a Big-2 gaming with Gary, Sean Tan and co. And dota with roy, law and lennard. Tt's so stupid. Ok, time to prepare for Physics Practical due in 2 days time. And I must do as well as my chem ! =)

Monday, October 24, 2005


I couldn't bring myself to do much. Tmr's Chem. pract. Tt's like my strongest science, so no worries yet.

Sat in front of the piano for hours and played so aimlessly. Letting the different moods flow. I specially liked songs played in the minor form, which evokes the feelings of green and yellow.

These 2 songs suit my melancholy mood best, I had to play them over and over...


Mariage D'Amour

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Trust !?

I have just finished another 2 games with Derick, and I trashed him flat TOTALLY. Well, tt's besides the point. These few days I'm hafing wierd mood swings too.

To A:
Reading your blog, this question appeared in my mind. "By blogging, do you actually want the attention, hoping people would read it, or would you prefer it to be kept personal?"

I'm not convinced. I know something's troubling you. It's fine if you have decided to keep things private (or probably confide in others). I thought I could help. I'm just pretty dissappointed at your responses despite us being rather close. Unless you think otherwise. Look's like ur forcing me to leave you alone. Well, perhaps I shall.

To B:
I asked you a question. You definitely knew the answer to it. I know what you know. I just hoped to see the significance of trust. I thought I could trust you. Yet... you acted as if you didn't know anything. You have just lied to me. My trust in you has been terribly breached.

It's evident that there is such hypocrisy (is this the right form?) happening around me. With people like him I'm probably gonna meet in JC again, it makes me think twice in entering the institution for another two years (provided I even make it). Shouldn't I consider a totally new environment?

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Sigh !?

It's yet another day of DOTA with Derick. I can't stop! Damn it ! Of course this time I trashed him flat. I really like this Razor Lightning Revenant, he's so cool. What keeps me going is the seductive scene of gaining a level-up, the golden light shimmering, engulfing your hero. The "Divine Rapier" which adds +250 attack to your hero, though costly and is dangerous (you risk losing the item to your enemy when you die) ! Well, guess I need to relieve stress too right? I hope I'm not giving excuses. After all there's still 1 1/2 weeks till start of real written papers?

There is this sense of disappointment... I really have the urge to question your bizarre thinking. You may think I might not know what's going on; I do, well at least a large fraction of it. Sigh... Nvm... Do what you think is right...

Friday, October 21, 2005

Stuck in the middle

It has been a week since graduation, don't wish to say much lest the nostalgy comes back. Following which I found myself in TJC open house. Then it was VJC open house the following day. Things moving as per scheduled.

It's another week closer to the O Levels written papers. Took Bio pract last Tue, er.. it was... dun feel like commenting.

Been playing DOTA everyday via Lancraft with Derick everyday, it's really time to stop. I must stop. I must stop. I must stop. I must stop. I must stop. Oh man... it's gonna take sheer will and determination.

One month will be over soon...

And the Secondary Three's results were disappointing. Esp. those potential SLs. :'(
Well, you all better work hard during the holidays k?

There is something mystical about my workplace. Despite it being a sight of massive blend of worksheets, files, textbooks and stuff, it seemed more condusive than probably the library, or even perhaps what a classroom can offer. It's really an amazing sight; my daily chores are just the mundane mugging - and with me my laptop as my only source of breakaway from these chores. Considering such a sedentary lifestyle, my living room has become my favourite rendezvous, where I meet up with my piano. Let me present to you my destressing piece, Unchained Melody.

Arrggg... one month........ How to tackle the stress... "It will be over soon"

Sunday, October 09, 2005

My last 5 days in school...

Time flies. After having gone through so much hoe-har in school for the almost 4 years, it has finally boiled down to the final 5 days being an official Victorian. School life has somewhat been part of me, it feels weird having to part.

I spend my weekend reminiscing and reflecting on what I have gone through in VS. The struggles faced in CCA, attending the LTC, taking up of leadership role and responsibilities, getting injured in Sec 3 Camp, life as a student leader, standing out from the crowd, the camaraderie and even muggin like crazy for exams. I can't imagine the change in environment in just a couple of days time. And yes you bet, every second was worth it.

You might think I'm sad about this, but no... you are wrong. I am gonna be very very very very very sad about it. I can't picture myself this coming friday. sigh.

In the last 5 days remaining, I've decided that I'm gonna take shots of scenes of school life. I will be archiving videos and pictures of Sec 4D life. Catch me with my camera dudes !
This has been something I longed to do, but thanks to Zhenyi who borrowed my camera for the past 3 weeks to do his DNT project, I was hindered.

Anyway, I was reading Chris's blog, and came across something interesting.
Go to and check it out yourself, look for post "Holy boy" and read th part about the MRT incident and his oral. Ciao !

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Plant beings...

Is there really such things as plant beings on earth? The X-files show is really cool!

There is only ONE FINAL WEEK left for us Sec 4s being official Victorians in Victoria School. After this week, there will be no more chance of sitting in the hall/auditorium for assembly, no more singing of the school anthem with the rest of the school, no more sitting in the classrooms and no more reception of punishments given by the teachers. I was looking back at past posts written few months ago (on blog); I was actually worrying that this day would come, and here it is. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Anyway, I was helping with the pictures to be flashed on Graduation Day. Having seen the pictures of us Sec 4s when we were in Sec 1, I was shocked to see the transformation in us. Physically, mentally, we have undoubtly matured over the years. Sigh, if only time could move backwards. I want to experience everything again !

There is only a week left to experience life in school. I should attempt to try out some things which I may not have done before in the 4 years in school, such as getting punished by teachers? Imagine yourself a Sec 4 being paraded outside class (eg. on a Wednesday like 5th Oct). Wouldn't it be exciting?

I picture myself standing outside my class, after having made a nuisance in biology class. Then I picture that pathetic state I will be in, constantly worrying that Mr. Chia or the Monitors' Council Teacher IC would walk past, leaving me with lots of explanation and following up to do. I picture other Sec 4 monitors (eg. Dennis) walking past with the puzzled face, and classmates (and teacher's) jubilant expressions upon seeing my "malu"ed face. Imagine the teacher who sent me out saying, "It's ok Terence, there will always be a first time. I also used to send the Head Prefect out before!"

Hmmx, 6 school days left. What more can I experience? I want to make time spent in VS a fulfilling one. Suggestions?

Btw, Happy Birthday to Han Teng (Today) and Chengwei (Tomorrow) !