
Friday, October 21, 2005

Stuck in the middle

It has been a week since graduation, don't wish to say much lest the nostalgy comes back. Following which I found myself in TJC open house. Then it was VJC open house the following day. Things moving as per scheduled.

It's another week closer to the O Levels written papers. Took Bio pract last Tue, er.. it was... dun feel like commenting.

Been playing DOTA everyday via Lancraft with Derick everyday, it's really time to stop. I must stop. I must stop. I must stop. I must stop. I must stop. Oh man... it's gonna take sheer will and determination.

One month will be over soon...

And the Secondary Three's results were disappointing. Esp. those potential SLs. :'(
Well, you all better work hard during the holidays k?

There is something mystical about my workplace. Despite it being a sight of massive blend of worksheets, files, textbooks and stuff, it seemed more condusive than probably the library, or even perhaps what a classroom can offer. It's really an amazing sight; my daily chores are just the mundane mugging - and with me my laptop as my only source of breakaway from these chores. Considering such a sedentary lifestyle, my living room has become my favourite rendezvous, where I meet up with my piano. Let me present to you my destressing piece, Unchained Melody.

Arrggg... one month........ How to tackle the stress... "It will be over soon"


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