
Sunday, January 08, 2006

Orientation (Day 4)

VJC is full of fun, joy, laughter... It's funky, lively, berserk... (pardon my limited vocab.) Everyone must come to VJC!

(With reference to Friday...)

It's finally the official last day of Orientation (Not counting Sea Sports Carnival on Monday).
The day started off pretty much in chaos as it was the first time the J1s are to gather in their CT groups. I couldn't find mine in the 2k population, hence like many lost sheeps, I just wondered about the hall.

Pretty much on schedule, we then proceeded to our CT venues to meet our 'classmates' and 'seniors'. I was pretty sad, yet happy, that only 2 VS peeps were in my class. Sad because these two are not very close friends (Teo Hong and Yeli). Happy as I get to make new friends (hopefully better ones). Went to class together with my new friend from my OG (Ding Hong); we were one of the earliest at the container room - our classroom)

My Form Teacher explained that he is rather new, as he has only been in school for only six months. He seems like a pretty easy teacher to work with. The nightmare came when my potential 'classmates' streamed into class. Girls and boys. The girls looked decent (I have not been in a class with so many girls b4). Then, one 'ah beng' looking girl (with her hair spiked tall and with that typical ah beng face) came in late in Nanyang Uniform. You can imagine my trauma when I saw her...

The teacher said a few stuff and left, then the seniors came in. Upon seeing them, I felt extremely disappointed, as they seem like the type who's super 'bo-chap'. They talked nonsense like nobody's business, probably because they came unprepared. Following which, they tried making a vote for a CT rep (something like class monitor). Three candidates went up, and made some speech.

That 'Nanyang' ah-beng girl was first.
In some singlish style, standing like a ah-beng, talking in a bo-chup manner.

Nanyang girl: "You all must vote for me ah, cause last time I was president of Computer Club. Then ah, lots of people give me problems la, and I managed to solve them."

Next, one chinese feller went up. Spoke in a super egoistic-manner.
Chinese feller: "You all should vote for me, cause I'm a natural leader."
Floor: "What do you mean you are a natural leader?"
Chinese feller: "Natural means natural, cannot explain one."

That was his reply...

Lastly, a malay boy made his speech.
Malay boy: "In primary school, I was monitor for Primary 4, 5 and 6. I believe I can take up responsiblity."

Woah, these kinda people gonna be MY class monitor? Dotz... In the end, we voted for the Malay boy as he seems most decent of them all...

Then, they did lots of crap, like taking class pictures and stuff. When we were about to leave, one of the seniors said, "Hey guys, you all must vote for a new CT rep."

It was then I realised it was another scam. All the 3 candidates were actually seniors posing as J1s... dotz dotz dotz... "--"!

After which we returned back to the hall for more OG activities. This time, I feel much more relaxed, as we all managed to know one another much better. We played wierd OG games around the school, but was pretty much fun. Actually I felt kinda wierd playing those games, especially as they are the similar types of games I planned for my juniors in Secondary School. Fancy playing those games myself haha.

I pretty much enjoyed the game where we all stood on the bench in one line and arranged ourselves in a certain order. We got to hug one another, ya haha... The last question came in best, "Arrange yourselves according to the first letter of your School." As the opponent team were busy shouting "VS!", "TKGS!", "CEDAR!" to their team mates, I shouted to the game masters

"Hey, WE'RE DONE! We are all from VJC!!!" So we won that and scored quite a lot of points =)

Another highlight of the orientation was the story between the SC Board of Directors against the evil emperor Momo. They actually made Videos, Parades, Skits to suit the theme of the Superheros against Momo. Pretty much effort put in, I must say. However, I found it kind of childish though. Nonetheless, I applaud them for their hard work.

Till the end of the day, we were still learning Mass Dances. Altogether 6 of them to master by 8pm, where we will be heading off to Suntec's Fountian of Wealth. They were really complicated moves though.

Upon release, the VS people did the anthem as usual as well as the norm VS Spelling Cheer. Enthusiasm was high; I managed to record it down. Then the cedarians decided to start off their cheers too haha.

We then left for Suntec via 196. The bus was totally owned by Victorians. Imagine the public staring at us for making the whole lot of noice.

Shall continue about the Suntec mass dance later. My friends are coming to practice mass dance now. BRB!!

(added on 9.25pm) Woot, today Mao Lin, Ann Siong and See Kiat came over and we practiced mass dance. Had much fun together figuring out and trying to recall the moves. We managed to almost-perfect 'Whiney Whiney', esp. with the help of the steps explanation we obtained. We also practiced 'I want you', and we were lost after the chorus. Ended up playing DOTA hahaha.

Ok, now back to Suntec. The journey on the bus 196 was an enriching experience, as we got to interact with Tina better. Our OGL Tina was pretty much a center of attraction. The J1s blasted her with lots of question, undoubtedly irritating her.

Terence: "Next year will you still be in an IP class or will you join the rest of the J1s in your batch?"
Tina: "We will join the J1s from our batch."
Terence to OG: "Hey guys, next year we all become her OGL, then bully her ok?! Haha"
Tina: NOOO!!!

Hahaha.... Then we talked about 'JTS' (Haha, dun tell ya what this is, come find out in VJ)! So Tiny was like "Hey no fair, so many of you here."

I later found out her birthday is the same as mine. It happened as she was announcing she will be turning sixteen soon (ya ritez, still young la). She didn't believe me of course, until I showed her my IC. =)

We had dinner together at KFC as an OG, whereby I met my long lost P.Sch friend, Joel Zhou. Still as mischievous as ever. Haha! We were later told the Mass Dance which was previously scheduled at 8pm would be postponed to 8.45pm.

Then, we walked up to the Fountain of Wealth, at 8.35pm, and were disappointed to find it raining. We took a ten minute rest under the shelter located under the fountain. Then we decided to carry on with the Dance, as the rain subsided, turning into light drizzle.

Apart from not being familar with the dance steps, the mass dance was great. Started off with the "Whiney Whiney", and even "Yo-VJC" cheer... wow. Imagine the spirit. So many on-lookers turned to watch our performance. I really can't describe this feeling, but it's just great.

Not long after, there was a long line of human train going round and round the fountain. I believe it's started by VS people as I see many VS people in the queue. I was dragged in though, and went on running with them since then.

We choo-choo-train-ed to another part around the fountain, where the "Friendship Dance" started. As I was pretty far from my OG, I had to look for another partner. As the VS people were together, it would be wierd to dance with another guy, so I realised I had to look for another female partner. (Lol, some VS guys danced that together) Thank goodness there was a group of girls around, and they invited us to dance with them. One girl kinda urged me to go over, so I went over. Felt a little pai sei at first, but she seemed very friendly. After the dance, we exchanged names/class, and I can't believe I patted her on her shoulders and said "nice meeting you". Perhaps the 'male' instinct?? Her friend beside kept shouting "ask for his name, ask for his name!!" It was then I decided to leave, lest .....(you know) haha.

Choo-choo train went on for quite a while, then some people started running down one level to the fountain at the basement, and started splashing water at one another. I went to join them, and met Law, addison and peeps. Addison kicked water and me, making me half wet. Not long after, the security guard came and chased us off lol. It was really really fun !

(Here is a video of what happened. Sorry for the lousy quality, and it was taken using my handphone)

Then, I ran back up to the fountain at ground level. That was when I was greeted with another surprise. I saw my OGL Tina and her bf. And this bf of hers is my lower secondary classmate from VS. Haha. So much for surprises. Wait till I blackmail Tina with this!

Oh well, we have had so much fun. If only everyday was like this in VJC... =)


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